AWS Well-Architected Framework

AWS Well-Architected Framework

Learn, measure, and build using architectural best practices!

The whitepaper is a fantastic document that every architect should read!

AWS recommends you conduct a Well-Architected review every 12-18 months.

What is it?

The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you understand the pros and cons of decisions you make while building systems on AWS. By using the Framework you will learn architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective systems in the cloud.

It also provides a way for you to consistently measure your architectures against best practices and identify areas for improvement. The process for reviewing an architecture is a constructive conversation about architectural decisions and greatly increases the likelihood of business success.

The framework is built around six pillars.





Cost Optimization

Sustainability - NEW!


Werner Vogels announced the new pillar at re:Invent 2021 Dec 2nd.

The framework is perfectly documented by Amazon.

AWS Well-Architected Framework

AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog




The highlights for me include the reasoning that goes back to the customer.

AWS prefers to distribute capabilities into teams rather than a single central team. The risk associated with a distributed decision making authority are mitigated in two ways. Firstly best practices related to process and standards. Secondly implementing automated checks that standard are being met.


This distributed approach is supported by the Amazon leadership principles, and establishes a culture across all roles that works back from the customer. Working backward is a fundamental part of our innovation process. We start with the customer and what they want, and let that define and guide our efforts. Customer-obsessed teams build products in response to a customer need.

Always remember the customer!

People also forget Amazon provide a tool at no charge in the AWS Management Console.

AWS Well-Architected Tool
